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Unboxing: Cherry Wallis and Geek Gear's Curation of Magical Curiosities Box

In case you didn’t know and have never read my blog before, I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. And while I am not a big collector of Harry Potter things, I do have my fair share of knick knacks from the series. Books, Pop Funkos (or is it Funko Pops?), movie merchandise/replicas... I have a few HP memorabilia. I’ve also been trying to be more minimalistic too (and save money in the process too!), lately, so I’m trying to cut back on the tchotchkes. But I have a guilty pleasure of watching subscription box unboxing videos on Youtube. And one of my favorite Youtubers, Cherry Wallis, is a massive Harry Potter fan (she has the most amazing replica collection!) and does a lot of Harry Potter subscription box unboxing videos. I am obsessed. All of the amazing trinkets that come out of the boxes are so creative and cool (mostly small business/fan made!), and I get a vicarious thrill watching her unbox all of these amazing items.

So when I heard that she was going to be collaborating with Geek Gear, a subscription box that has a Wizardry box, on her own one time Harry Potter inspired box, called the Curation of Magical Curiosities, I just knew I had to get it! Cherry has such amazing taste when it comes to these things, plus she’s a fantastic artist who has an excellent eye for design. She knows good quality AND great Harry Potter things when she sees them. Girl knows her stuff. So I knew this box was going to be AMAZING.

I ended up ordering the box the day orders opened, and the boxes were sent out near the end of August, but I didn’t end up getting mine until September 4th. Apparently, Geek Gear and Cherry weren’t expecting it to be such a big hit and were overwhelmed with all the orders! Good for them! So while I was happy for them and their success with the boxes, I was dying to get mine. It was so hard to avoid spoilers when people (like Cherry herself) were doing unboxing videos of the box online and I really, really, really wanted to watch them and see what was in the box! But thankfully, I avoided spoilers and now my box is HERE and I’m ready to give my excited (yet honest) review of the box.

*SPOILERS AHEAD! And apologies for my substandard photography skills*

This box has seven items in it, each based on each year of Hogwarts that Harry attended. Let’s begin!

The box came all wrapped up in a dark plastic bag and of course as an Anglophile I was delighted to see that it was from England via the Royal Mail (me = dork).

I then unwrapped it and saw the beauty of the box! I loved all of the details on front! It made it look so magical and like it was delivered by an owl! (Albeit a slow owl, like Errol, since mine was so late. You can’t blame the poor bird, he’s so old). 

The first thing I saw when I opened it was a handwritten looking note from Cherry. I think it was her handwriting, it was so pretty and such a cute message too. It definitely made me more excited to see what was in the box!

The note from Cherry said:

“I hope this letter finds you well, and that the owl that delivered it arrived safely.

I also hope that this box didn’t end up in the wrong hands, as I will likely get into trouble for exposing our kind to the muggle world…

If you’re reading this, I wanted to say a big thank you for all of your support with the Curation of Magical Curiosities.”

Always, Cherry

PS. By the way, the bird bites.”

Cute throwback to Sirius in the postscript!

And notice this cute layer of flying keys and lightning bolt tissue paper underneath! How sweet is that? I’m so saving that for something! (Because seriously, how can you throw that away??)

The next thing I saw were a bunch of loose paper packaging (or “wiggly worms,” as Cherry might say), but they weren’t just plain brown colored, there were also GOLD wiggly worms! What an adorable touch! It made the box look a lot more special and exclusive.

The first thing I took out of the box was this cute pin, of three pumpkin juice bottles with snowflakes on them, with “The Yule Ball,” written underneath. I love how sparkly they are and the details on them are just amazing. Seriously, I would never have in a million years thought of something this cute and creative.

The next thing I randomly grabbed was this box decorated like the Herbology green room. Um, this packaging, you guys! So well designed and the colors! It’s like Professor Sprout designed it herself! How can whatever was inside compete with the awesomeness that is this box? 

And then I opened it. And a freaking Mimbulus mibletonia plant was inside! What????? I was NOT expecting that! The details on it are insane! It looks so much like the one in the movie that Neville has that I was expecting it to shoot out some goo. The Mimbulus mibletonia looks so quality that I swear it looks like a licensed item. I honestly can’t believe it how good this item is. I’m still in shock.

After being a little shell-shocked, I moved on to what was hiding in the gold wiggly worms. It was something wrapped in brown paper and string! So very wizarding world! I honestly had the thought “This looks like how the Sorcerer's Stone is wrapped in the movie,” but I brushed that right out of my head because of course it wasn’t. Was it?

But it was!! I was gobsmacked! I now have my very own Sorcerer’s Stone! (Or Philosopher's Stone, all depending on where you are. You know us Americans just want to be different from everyone else in the world. If we’re not removing U’s from letters, we’re changing book names to our liking) It looks more like how I imagined it in my head when I first read the book. Less choppy and roughly cut like the first movie, but more smooth and jewel-esque as I had first pictured it. I wish I could wrap it back up as prettily as they had, so I could feel like it’s more secure. The Sorcerer’s Stone is very precious, I just can’t have it lying around!

There was another box, small, blue and long, that said “Memory Vial”. Oh my goodness. On the very top of the box it has a small illustration of the pensieve, and on the side of the box it said “This exquisitely crafted vial bottle will hold your closest memories for many years to come.” Oh, yes. Yes yes YES!

It was, in fact, a legit memory vial, a la Dumbledore and Snape! The glass bottle itself is a beautiful shape, with a lovely looking stopper. I can just imagine some dreamy, cloudy memory floating in there, just waiting to be poured into the pensieve. And silly me didn’t even noticed that it came with stickers to put on your vial, so you can label your memory! (Which I forgot to photograph, but trust me, the label stickers are gorgeous!) So so so brilliant!

After calming down after the memory vial, I saw the next item. It was Time-Turning Tea, a passionfruit infused tea. Unfortunately, I don’t like tea (does this mean I can’t live in England ever? Please don’t say that), but it sounds really pleasant and I know my older sister who LOVES tea will gladly drink this for me and give me her review. It honestly makes me wish I liked tea, because it does sound quite delicious.

The next item I saw was a brown envelope, sealed with an interesting looking sticker. Inside were some pages from Advanced Potion Making! The recipe on the first page was “Draught of Living Death", and the rest of the pages had the rest of the recipe, along with scribbles and runes drawn on (perhaps drawn by the Half-Blood Prince himself?). The amount of detail and thought gone into this item is just mind-boggling! I love having a little piece of a Hogwarts textbook. Can we get some Hogwarts, A History pages next??

Under that was a large print, the last of our seven items, and to my great surprise, it was a lovely illustration of a baby mandrake! And not only that, but it was drawn by Cherry! I knew she was a great artist, but this was such a great way to incorporate her talent into the box! Not only is it a great quality print, the illustration is just spot on and portrays a chunky, grumpy baby mandrake perfectly! (I personally love mandrakes and feel like every Harry Potter fan who has a child should do at least one photoshoot of their child as a mandrake in a pot) It was a fantastic way to end the box, honestly.

Underneath THAT, was the cheat sheet, hand written again in what I think is Cherry’s writing, describing each of the items, Cherry’s stories of them, who or what small business made them, and what year they correspond with. Year One, was the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone. Year Two was the Mandrake artwork. Year Three was of course, the Time Turning Tea. Year Four was the Yule Ball pin. Year Five was the Mimbulus mimbletonia plant. Year Six was the Draught of the Living Death pages from Advanced Potion Making and Year Seven was the memory vial.

All in all, I have to say this was such a strong and magical box! I loved every single one of these items and found the quality and artistry in each and everyone one of them so amazing! Cherry and Geek Gear honestly could not have done a better job, with the presentation, the creativity and uniqueness of the items. You can tell Cherry put her heart and soul into this and as a fan I just want to say that I am so proud of her! I am more than impressed and just wished the box had been endless, like Hermione’s purse. Just more and more magical items coming out, nonstop. Thinking about it, I really don't know if I could pick a favorite? I mean, I kind of love having the Sorcerer's Stone. But the memory vial?? And the pin?? Okay, I can't pick. I love it all!!!!

I would of course buy another box from Geek Gear/Cherry again, despite trying to cut back on both collecting things AND spending money, but if it’s got Cherry’s name on it, you know it’s going to be good. And speaking of that, today, the day that I am posting this blog, she apparently is coming out with something magical and Christmas-y coming out for pre-order! So if you’re interested in something Harry Potter related that Cherry has to due with, please check out her Twitter and her Youtube channel, since she’ll be making the announcement there today! I know I will most likely be signing up!

What did you think of Cherry’s Curation of Magical Curiosities box? I was so impressed by it that I honestly can’t get over it. Which item was your favorite?? Let me know in the comments below!

Stay Weird!

30 comments on "Unboxing: Cherry Wallis and Geek Gear's Curation of Magical Curiosities Box "
  1. Your enthusiasm is infectious! Boring as I am, I can appreciate the art in all these items. I love that artists or crafters are making a living doing what they love, and it's people like you who make it possible.
    I find the memory vial very pretty, I imagine it'll be meaningful to write little slips of fond memories to put in there!

    By the way, now I understand why you just get water at Starbucks. You don't like coffee and tea! :)

    1. Hahaha, thank you, Julie! I was just really excited for this box! You know how sometimes you don't get too excited to post a blog post? Well, for this one, I was quite the opposite! Oh, and if you're boring, then that means I'm even MORE boring! ;) I do love that so many artists and small businesses get to do what they love by getting to do these boxes too. Plus I love their interpretations of the items too!

      The memory vial was one of my favorites too! And I thought of that exact same thing too! I thought it might be cute for a husband/wife/partner to write something sweet about about a special date for them and roll it up in there for the other to read.

      Lol, I know! I'm such a picky eater AND drinker! Thank goodness at least I can have the hot chocolate at Starbucks when it's cold out, at least ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It means so much to me <3

  2. What a cool idea! I bet this would be great as a gift for anybody who is Harry Potter obsessed.


    1. Hi Miriam! Right??? I would have loved to have gotten this as a gift if I hadn't bought it for myself, haha.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! xo

  3. I love a good subscription box - so many cool ideas. This looks perfect for any Harry Potter fan!!

    1. Hi Danielle! Me too! I've been trying to save money and NOT buy any subscription boxes, but I couldn't pass up this one time opportunity- and I was NOT disappointed, haha. It really was a perfect subscription box! I loved each and every item!

      Thank you for reading and commenting! :)

  4. I love this! This would he the perfect gift for a Harry Potter fan. The attention to detail is outstanding, even down to that tissue paper, which I agree, you can't throw away!

    1. Isn't it amazing? I was so surprised about how GOOD it all was! You know it's good when you're even thrilled by the tissue paper, haha. Oh, I'm totally saving it! But now what to do with it... I wish I was more creative!

  5. I have never heard of these boxes and what an awesome gift! You have the cutest items inside the box! I feel like if I subscribed to every box out there, I would be broke 😂😂 I love the packaging it’s so cute and so is the note. Thank you for sharing such great photographs x

    1. Hi Lauren! It was just a one time box so I'm glad I snatched one up when I got the chance! Aww thanks! I was so happily surprised by how amazing the box was! Oh girl, same! The last time I subscribed to a subscription box was a few years ago. It gets so expensive! I loved the packaging too and basically everything in it! And thank you for that compliment about my photography! I don't think I'm very good at it, so I have to do a LOT of editing to make it look decent, haha.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! xo

  6. Oh my god this box sounds AMAZING! I am a huge huge fan of Harry Potter, I don't quite collect Harry Potter stuff like yourself but I do enjoy getting wee nick nacks now and then. I love the level of care and love that has went into this box, so many amazing goodies.

    Jordanne ||

    1. Hi Jordanne! Isn't it amazing??? I don't have too big of a collection, but I must admit I do have a few HP related things ;) I loved it all too and was so pleasantly and excitedly surprised by everything! Best investment in a one time subscription box EVER!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It always means so much when you take the time to read my blog <3

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed your Harry Potter themed magical box. I rarely collect items like that, but I have a few bits and bobs. One thing I do really want those is a replica of Harley Quinns baseball bat

    1. Awww thank you! And thank you so much for reading and commenting too! I really appreciate it :) Oooh that would be an awesome replica to have! Her bat was so iconic!

  8. I had no idea Cherry did a box! This is so amazing, I wish I'd known and ordered one!

    1. I know! I was so surprised when she said she was coming out with a box! I'm sorry you didn't get to get one, but she just announced yesterday that she's coming out with a CHRISTMAS Harry Potter box and it's out now for pre-order! So if you want one I'd suggest getting one ASAP! I already ordered mine, not going to lie :)

      Thank you for reading and commenting!! <3

  9. I was so excited for your review to come out and I was not disappointed. Every little trinket is incredible. The details, the quality, the meaning behind each item- wow! I'm so happy to see small artists and fans getting the opportunity to showcase their talents and Cherry did such an amazing job curating the box. I'm really impressed with this and thank you for introducing me to more Harry Potter related things- cause clearly you can never have too much of it in your life.

    1. Oh yay! I'm so glad you liked my review!! It was honestly SO MUCH FUN to write! I honestly loved every single thing in it and I just thought Cherry hit it out of the park with this one. And of course! I love sharing things I love, especially Harry Potter things, with others who love them too! And so true! Thank you so much for reading and commenting <3

  10. Oh my gosh this is amazing! I'll definitely be gifting my best friend one of these for Christmas because she's a massive Harry potter fan and would love this. I love the variation of items in the box x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌟

    1. Hi Kayleigh! Isn't it crazy how good the box was?? I was so impressed and in awe of everything in it! If you got her the Christmas box that's on sale now for pre-order, I bet your best friend would go NUTS for it! I have to admit I already pre-ordered Cherry's HP Christmas box. I couldn't help it! I just loved this box so much that I want more!

      Thank you so much for your comment! And for reading! I really appreciate it <3

  11. Aww I love this! Everything here is so gorgeous, even down to the box and packaging. I think subscription boxes are such a good idea because you always get things you wouldn't normally buy. What a great box and review!


    1. Hi Nicola! I'm so glad you liked it too! I was pretty much just in awe of everything, haha! And you're right, even the packaging was spot on and magical! I never in a million years would have been able to think of something that imaginative! Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comment! I really appreciate it <3

  12. This looks so magical (excuse the pun). It's so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Nyxie! Haha, don't apologize! I LOVE puns!! And Harry Potter based ones are the best! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I had so much fun writing this post, so I'm glad you enjoyed it as well :)

  13. I love this so much! I'm not a huge HP fan, but these items are so cool! I can tell how excited you were about everything in the box and I'm so happy for you.

    1. Hi Sandra! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! And thank you! I absolutely loved the box and was so pleased by everything in it! <3

  14. What an incredible box! Harry Potter lovers would love this as a gift for Christmas! Honestly, I think the paper is one of my favourite things, it's so gorgeous!


    1. Hi Jenny! I thought it was an incredible box too! I was so taken aback but how great it was, honestly! Oh, I'm dying for the Christmas box that Cherry just put up for pre-order! I'm definitely going to have a very magical Christmas when it arrives in December! Thank you so much for your comment and for reading my blog, too. I always feel very honored when you do :)

  15. This box looks amazing! It's such a great idea to make one full of items from artists and small businesses too - then you know you're supporting a person, not just a huge corporation. I think my favourites were the mimbulus mimbletonia (because I love all house plants - magical and muggle) and the tea! I love tea, so if your sister's not keen, feel free to send it my way!!

    1. Hi Naomi! I was soooo impressed by the box, so I'm glad you liked it too! I loved that fact too. Not that there's anything wrong with licensed HP products, but I love that artists and small businesses get a chance to be creative and put their own spin on things and get their names out there! The mimbulus mimbletonia was such a good one- the details on it were incredible and my sister loved the tea, so I'm so sorry I can't send it your way. But I'm getting Cherry's next box so if there's a tea, it might be heading your way ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! <3


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