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Things To Do For Your Blog When You Just Don't Feel Like Writing That Blog Post

We’ve all been there. (I’m currently there right now!) Sometimes you just don’t want to work on a new blog post. (I know! That’s just something a blogger never wants to admit!) Maybe you’re lacking creativity, maybe you’re lacking the passion to write something interesting (because we all know it’s hard to fake enthusiasm, especially when you’re writing a post on your own blog!), or maybe you just came back from a cruise and are recovering from a cold you undoubtedly caught from being on a giant ship with over 4,000 people and their various germs (that one was totally about me. I blame small children and their sticky hands that have to touch every surface they can get their hands on. But other than that it was a fun cruise!).

But never fear! I have a few ideas that might be able to help you out! If you’re not exactly in the mood to write a blog post, there are other things that you can do for your blog, just so you’re still feeling productive and you’re still actively working on your blog (because it’s not just all about the blog posts, as we all know!). These tips will (hopefully!) help give you some ideas on how to refresh your blog and also maybe give you the time to come up with some new blog ideas by NOT thinking about trying to write a blog post. Because sometimes that actually works! But in the meantime, if you’re still struggling with writing a blog post, here are a few ways to still be productive and get some blogger sh*t done!

1. Fix Your Links

Broken links are no fun and not great for your blog either! (They can impact SEO and make for a bad user experience, obviously) But there are tons of free websites to help check out what links still work on your site (just Google it!) so you can fix them or delete them to make for a better, more professional appearing blog experience for your readers.

2. Write a New Bio

Whether it’s the mini bio on the front of your blog (you know, the one under that super cute picture of you!), or a longer one, we can all do for a fresh bio every now and again. Tell your readers a little bit about you, what your blog is about (especially if your interests or the niche of your blog or your interests have changed), and maybe a fun fact about you. (Are you a big anime reader? Disney fan? Avid collector and reader of books? Let your readers know!)

3. Write a New About Me Page

Your About Me page is like your bio, just obviously longer and more to do with your blog. You’re letting your readers know who you are, why you’re blogging, and what you’re blogging about (and why they should be reading your blog!). Let them know about you and your blog (again, especially if your blog niche or interests have changed, in a clear and engaging way- and obviously filled with your sparkling personality!). Let them know the real you and the mission statement about your blog. And don’t forget to include your e-mail address or some sort of contact form in case your readers or even a company wants to get in touch (PR packages? Um, yes please!).

4. Take a New Profile Picture

Photoshoot time! I’ve had the same blog profile picture for forever, and have not bothered to change it. #1: because I’m lazy, and #2: because I’m very un-photogenic and this was an adequate picture of myself. But even I know that you have to mix it up every now and again! So slap on some make-up (if that’s your thing. If not, work that fresh face!) and take some new photos! (Or if you’re very lucky, have someone else take them for you. That must be nice to have that trust in someone…)

5. Take New Pictures for Old Blog Posts

I am not the best photographer. There, I said it. I don’t own my own fancy camera, I just use my phone (and way before that, my iPod touch. Yes, I cringed while I typed that). My photo skills (and phone cameras in general) have gotten better over the years, but I still look back at my old photos in old posts and feel my body cringe with humiliation. So if your photo skills have improved, try your hand (again) at flat lays or other photos! It’s a great way to spruce up an old blog post and make it (seem) new again. Plus, you get to show off how far you’ve come since an iPod touch (again, that was me). And just a head’s up: there’s no shame in using stock images! Don’t let any other blogger tell you otherwise! You think those header photos are ones that I’ve taken? Pfft! Don’t make me laugh!

6. Remake Your Blog Headers

If you’re like me at all, I like my blog headers to have the same format. That’s not true for all bloggers, but for me, I like the consistency. But other bloggers are different, and that’s fine too. Though we could all use a (blog) spruce up every now and again, so why not your blog headers too? I used to make my old ones on Picmonkey (back when it was free) and I had NO idea what I was doing! I look back and sigh with embarrassment and maybe that’s how you feel too. So go ahead and get those artistic skills I know you have going by using some new photos to make new and fancy blog headers, with either your photos, stock photos (again, they’re very useful and professional looking!), and/or graphics. You’ll be amazed how fresh it’ll make your blog look! Especially if you’re changing themes or layouts too. Canva is a great free graphic source creator that I highly recommend, so give that a try if you haven’t already!

7. Revamp or Remake Your Pinterest Graphics

I’m still getting used to making Pinterest graphics on Canva, and let me tell you, I don’t have the best eye for design. But each time I make a new graphic for Pinterest, I’d like to think I’m getting better at it (slowly). So if you’re like me and are still learning and improving (I keep looking at other pins on Pinterest and think, “Ugh, why can’t I make thaaaat?” I can seriously see why some big time bloggers hire people to make their graphics!), or if you’ve already learned and improved, feel free to go back and redo some of your Pinterest graphics. You probably have an idea of what makes people click, so replace your old ones and make some eye-catching new ones to post on Pinterest to get people clicking on your pins!

8. Rework Those Tags/Labels to Make Sorting Your Blog Posts Easier for Your Readers

Tags (or labels) can be so important for helping your readers find a certain post. When I redid my blog, I really wanted to have a simple system consisting of just three tags (adventure, mental health, and real life) to divide my blog. But then once I started to post new blog posts, I remembered my old blog posts (I guess life isn’t so simple, is it?). So I made an archive tag. But that didn’t seem to be enough! So now I have around eight tags just so help sort out my posts and make it easier to group them together for others to read. Tags are great sources for your, but make sure your posts have the proper tags and aren’t mislabeled. Look over your posts and your tags, and delete or create new tags to best suit your blog!

9. Work on Making a Blogging Schedule

Whether you post once a week, twice a week, or every single day (how do you have time to do anything else, you superhuman??), we all know a blogging schedule can really help. From what days to post, to WHAT you post, a schedule can be your guide to arranging and rearranging the flow of your blog. Some people even have a schedule for when they post/promote on social media (see below for more on that)! Whether you use your phone, planner, or bullet journal, make sure you have your blogging posts in there so you know what to post and when! It’ll help you out in the long run and then your readers will know when to expect a new blog post.

10. Schedule Tweets or Posts for Your Blog

Ugh, scheduling tweets. The bane of my existence! I don’t know why this is such a pain for me, but I hate scheduling tweets promoting my blog posts. How do I sell my blog posts while also being entertaining and hook the audience but not run out of characters? But there is no doubt that scheduling tweets for blog posts (or for some other people, other social media accounts, like Facebook and Instagram) can be a great way to grab people’s attention and bring traffic to your blog, without having to post right that minute. I personally use the free version of Buffer, which allows you to set up 10 tweets at a time (4 going out per day, which I think is a great amount to grab people’s attention but not bog down someone’s Twitter timeline). Hootsuite also has the same plan, and I’ve heard Tweetdeck is also popular. Scheduling tweets is an excellent way to get your blog out there, but without tweeting in real time (it’s like a crockpot. Set it and forget it!). I usually check and update my Buffer queue every night to keep the tweets running!

11. Update or Rework Old Content

Like I said earlier about taking some new blogging photos to revamp your blog, working on your old content can be a great way to update your blog. Fix any old links, reformat your text (it’s so much nicer if everything on your blog matches!), and update any old information. You could even, if you want to, take an old blog post and give it a new spin. It’s completely up to you, but that can really give new life (and views) to a years old post (because that was then and this is now and you’re a different person now!). Give it a try and see if it helps!

12. Comment on Other People’s Blogs

I know what you’re thinking: “I already comment on other people’s blogs! How is that going to help me?” Well, just listen to my reasoning and see if it makes any sense (it does in my head): I find so much inspiration in just reading other bloggers' posts. From the creativity that comes with a well-written and interesting post, to the way their enthusiasm jumps out through my laptop screen, I can’t help but be swept up in their thoughts, opinions, ideas, and perspectives. It gives me that hope in myself that I can do that too. It actually sometimes gets my mind in gear, thinking of ideas, what I could write on a similar subject, what kind of personal spin I could put on it. I’m not saying to copy other bloggers, but to gain inspiration and enthusiasm from their engaging writing I would say is highly encouraged! And very helpful, if I do say so myself. So check out other’s blogs, leave them a comment on their great post, and start thinking. You never know when a great idea may come, so jot it down, and if you’re inspired by it, start writing that blog post right away! It could be a really good one! (But again, just for the record's sake: do not copy other bloggers ideas! Be inspired by their writing, but DO NOT COPY!)

Phew! Those were just a few ideas I had about some productive things to do for your blog instead of writing a blog post! I hope they were helpful and encouraged you to freshen up your blog and maybe, just maybe, bring you a little bit of inspiration to write that blog post you know you have to get around to writing eventually (which you can totally do and don’t let your pesky brain tell you otherwise!). As for me, this list has reminded me that I am long due to totally revamp my blog and spruce it up, so I should take my own advice and get on that! You know, after I've watched a couple of episodes of the new season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I still have that cold, remember!

Have you ever been in that blogging rut where you know you should write a blog post but you just don’t want to? If so, what things did you do to get around it? Did you do some of the things that I recommended, or did you do something else? Let me know in the comments!

Stay Weird!

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20 comments on "Things To Do For Your Blog When You Just Don't Feel Like Writing That Blog Post"
  1. For me a rut turned into years, there was the fear of not having enough money to review the latest products, not sounding cool or interesting enough I just fell out of love with blogging. Then at the beginning of this year I re found my passion for it. It takes time but if you're productive like you're inspiration strikes anywhere you just need have the confidence and energy to turn it into something. Hope your cold goes soon!

    1. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for commenting! I totally get ruts- I get them all the time! I was in a rut last year but I started blogging again this year and fell back in love with it. I'm glad you're back into blogging now too- I can't wait to check out your blog! And thank you! My cold has finally gone away. Just a slightly sniffly nose remains ;) Thank you again for reading and commenting!! <3

  2. This are great tips! I love them all!
    It seems like I need to do all of them - that's how we know blogging is hard work. There's ALWAYS something to do! :)
    Among all those points, the one I have to do but don't look forward to is fixing the tags. I think I have way too many. :P I'm planning to rework older posts too... If I have time. :) You'd think I have all the time in the world - I guess I'm not productive!
    Anyway, thanks for these tip! And great pin you have there! I'm going to pin it when I'm on my laptop.

    Great post! :)

    Julie |

    1. Hi Julie! Thank you!! That means so much to me to hear! That's so true with blogging, there really is always something you can be doing or fixing or improving! It's not enough just to write blog posts sometimes. I totally get that about tags! Sometimes I think I have too few! And I want to rework some old posts too- when I get the time! And motivation, lol. And you're so productive! You post twice a week and I can barely scrape by with one a week, haha!

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment! And I'm so glad you liked my pin! I'm not the best at them, so your comment made me really happy :) <3

  3. These are such a great tips. Thank you so much for sharing.

    New Post -

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! I hope my tips can help out if you're feeling stuck! :)

  4. I have terrible motivation for writing blog posts, but the biggest demotivation is proofreading my posts.

    I'll procrastinate with other stuff for my blog to avoid doing the above. So bad for doing that.

    Music can often help get me back in the post writing and proofreading groove though

    1. Oh really? See, I actually like proofreading for some reason. It also gives me a chance to edit my posts and add or delete things too. But that's just me!

      But I procrastinate too, which is why I only post one post a week! I can't imagine trying to post twice a week! I'd never be able to do it!!

      Does it really? I actually need silence when I write or else I can't concentrate. I wish I could listen to music, but then I start concentrating on the lyrics and write those instead! It's kind of cool how we all have different methods in writing our posts. But it seems like we all procrastinate to some degree too ;)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!

  5. I LOVE buffer! Literally my favorite scheduling app right now. These are some great ideas! I swear I'm in a rut like a few times a month these days. Sometimes i'll have a list of preplanned topics and not want to do any of's a mess. But i'll definitely try some of these for when I'm in a funk and maybe it'll inspire me!


    1. Hi Deandra! I love Buffer too! I haven't tried the paid version (trying to some some money) but even the free version is super nice! I get exactly the same way. I have a list of ideas and even some drafts but sometimes I just can't write about any other the topics. I think I have to be in the right head space. Aw thanks! I hope some of these ideas might help! I'm trying to take my own advice and work on adding to my About Me page :)

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! xoxo

  6. Commenting on other people's blogs for inspiration is such a good idea, and I never thought of it!

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for reading! It's kind of amazing how much inspiration I get just from reading other people's blogs! It may sound kind of silly, but when I see their hard work and great ideas, it really empowers me to get my own creativity going. :) Thanks so much for your lovely comment! I really appreciate it! <3

  7. Thank you for sharing these tips - it's so difficult to know what to do when you're not really in the mood to write a post. These have inspired me to get going on a bit of admin! x

    1. Hi Amy! Thank YOU for reading my post! I really appreciate it! And yay, I'm glad my post gave you some ideas! You're right, it can be really hard to get that creativity to write a post sometimes, but you can always stay productive by working on your blog. I'm currently trying to rethink my little bio on my front page and my about me page!

      Thank you again for reading and your lovely comment! <3

  8. Excellent tips. There is so much to do when it comes to blogging that it's easy to forget some things. This is a really good list of those tasks that we should be working on but might not always get around to. This helped remind me that as few of these are overdue on my blog and that I need to get them done.

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah! :) I totally agree! I feel like writing this post was almost a reminder for me to do all of these things for MY blog! I'm very much overdue when it comes to updating my About Me and so much more! Thank you so much for your commenting and for reading my post! I really, really appreciate it! <3

  9. Yay! These are amazing tips. And since I need to do some of these blogging tasks anyway, I’m definitely putting them on my to-do list.

    1. Aww thank you so much!! I was trying to think of all of the blogging things I put off when I'm busy writing posts and came up with this list! It's good even for me, because I know I need to do more of them to help improve my blog! But I'm so glad my list can help give you some ideas! Yay! :) And thank you so much for reading and commenting! It means a lot to me! <3

  10. These are some really good points. I've actually been thinking about doing some of these myself. I'm making this as my sign to get to it!


    1. Aw, thank you, Deandra! I need to take my own advice and do some of these for my own blog! And your blog is looking FANTASTIC, by the way, so whatever you're doing, keep on doing it! xoxo


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